lunedì 29 ottobre 2007

Intercultural Competence

How shall I talk of the sea to the frog,
if it has never left his pond?
How shall I talk of the frost to the bird of the summerland,
if it has never left the land of its birth?
How shall I talk of life with the sage,
if he is prisoner of his doctrine?
Dear colleagues,
Niko salutes You!
I've just read Group A Posts and Comments. I've found it very useful. Alas! I've done lots of mistakes :(
'You learn something every day', says the wise man (or woman; it depends on with whom you are speaking; I should have use the word 'sage' maybe). Anyway, I'm going to put all those corrections in my personal archive of English sentences: the now famous "Termini e frasi da ricordare". How can I improve my English further? (I rarely use further in my speeches, it is a bit trappy, not a good friend of mine). It's a matter of practice; I think. "Use it or lose it", says another wise man (or woman; it depends on with whom you are speaking, I should have use the word 'sage' even this time maybe). Oh! The sun is shining outside, I'll go out and fill my lungs with good fresh air.
See you soon.

sabato 27 ottobre 2007

Never read and forget

Any time I find a new word I write it down in my personal word file; it is called "Termini e frasi da ricordare". It's an excel is really big so much so that it crashed about a week ago. Fortunately I had a copy of it. It's very useful to have such an archive, because using those little black binoculars, up on the menu bar, I easily find the word I need....I've just read something about proofreading on our Course Blog. Proofreading is really important. I noticed that if you really want to perform a good proofreading you should write a text, leave it aside for a while, read it again and then correct it. I am sure that if I read this post in five days' time, I will surely find some mistakes.

See you soon!!!

And remember: Slowly but surely!

giovedì 25 ottobre 2007

Halloween is approaching...Looking for a costume?

Do you know who Rapunzel is?

On Blogging

I've been blogging in the last few weeks. Blogging is a useful way to communicate and get in touch with other surfers. You can learn lots of new words, but it's always advisable to check things on a dictionary or in a grammar book when not sure. While blogging I realized that on the Internet writing long posts is not good. As far as I am concerned, I cannot read posts longer than three short paragraphs...I surf fast! A blog can be an outlet for one's feelings or simply an information holder; it's up to us.


sabato 20 ottobre 2007

Welcome message

I've chosen this pic because it shows the flow of thoughts I have in my head. It's rather entangled ain't it? In such a mess, I (usually) manage to find my way. I like taking pics like the one I've put, it's like freezing "movement". Outwardly, I'm not that contorted, even though my rhetoric can occasionally be baffling. As far as the sites are concerned, I've chosen three that are really linked to my interests. The first one is about music, you can find lyrics, reviews and so on...Actually, one can also download mp3s and videos, but I don't know if it is totally ok, they shouldn't be copyrighted though, take a look!!! Then let me know, I couldn't figure it out. News...I can't take "Studio Aperto" always broadcasting gossip or silly features about either stray dogs or cats "in quest" of an owner. I love dogs and cats but I do love being correctly informed. So, from time to time, I visit the site of the BBC. Ok, the third... Cultural Topics: I volunteer, when I can, with an association involved in cultural activities, it's called "La Roggia”, I've just put the link to might find something interesting...I think we are going to set an event about Chaplin...a series of three shows... I think. He was quite an actor, wasn't he? ;-)Ok, that's it! See you in the near future!May the force be with you! khhhhhh!
Bye for now!Niko.

lunedì 8 ottobre 2007

Messaggio Dal Paiusko per il Linux Day.

Ciao a tutti,mercoledì prossimo, 10 ottobre 2007, alle ore 21.15 c/o la sede del circolo "La Roggia" (il solito posto per chi è già venuto), vorrei ci trovassimo per dar inizio al nuovo corso ed alle attività correlate. Questa prima sarà più che altro una riunione tecnicca, non l'inizio vero e proprio del corso, poichè vi aggiornerò dell'incontro che ho avuto con Paolo Didonè di Software Libero ( e della mia idea di come si potrebbe condurre il prossimo corso. Il quale comincerà a breve, ma per la cui impostazione ho bisogno del vostro parere in quanto mi piacerebbe farlo un "attimo" diverso da quello tenuto questa primavera (progetto server Edubuntu, maggiore colleggialità della parte didattica, ecc). Naturalmente esaurite questi argomenti vi invito a chiedermi delucidazioni su Ubuntu e linux in generale, altrimenti sarò io ad introdurvi una tematica "didattica".Vi invito anche ad estendere l'invito a qualcun altro sapiate essere interessato.
A mercoledì.

mercoledì 3 ottobre 2007

martedì 2 ottobre 2007

Todos los Reyes del mundo tendrían que Joderse!

El fiscal pide un año y tres meses de cárcel para los autores de la quema de fotos del Rey
Los Príncipes de Asturias inauguran hoy en Barcelona la Feria Liber
Actualizado martes 02/10/2007 14:31 (CET)

MADRID.- La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional pedirá un año y tres meses de cárcel para los dos jóvenes acusados de quemar fotografías de los Reyes en Gerona durante la visita del monarca a esta ciudad el pasado 13 de septiembre, informaron fuentes jurídicas.
El Ministerio Público considera a los dos jóvenes, Jaume Roura y Enric Stern, responsables de un delito de injurias graves a la Corona con la agravante de disfraz.
Roura y Stern se encuentran en libertad por estos hechos después de comparecer ante el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Santiago Pedraz, quien no les impuso ninguna medida cautelar.
En las diligencias previas, el fiscal había pedido para Jaume Roura, de 30 años, una fianza de 10.000 euros, la retirada del pasaporte y comparecencias semanales ante las autoridades judiciales, pero Pedraz consideró que no existe riesgo de fuga y que "no lleva aparejada pena grave" (entre seis meses y dos años de cárcel).
Roura prestó declaración ante el juez el 21 de septiembre durante unos diez minutos. Lo hizo en catalán y reconoció que quemó una foto de los Reyes. Sin embargo, se negó a desvelar la identidad de la otra persona, también encapuchada, con la que participó en la quema.
Esta persona pudo ser identificada más tarde como Enric Stern, de 19 años, que compareció ante Santiago Pedraz el 28 de septiembre y ese mismo día quedó en libertad sin fianza y sin ninguna medida cautelar.

I wanna bomb the Junta! China and Russia can go to hell!!! along with the Burmese Generals!