giovedì 25 ottobre 2007

On Blogging

I've been blogging in the last few weeks. Blogging is a useful way to communicate and get in touch with other surfers. You can learn lots of new words, but it's always advisable to check things on a dictionary or in a grammar book when not sure. While blogging I realized that on the Internet writing long posts is not good. As far as I am concerned, I cannot read posts longer than three short paragraphs...I surf fast! A blog can be an outlet for one's feelings or simply an information holder; it's up to us.


3 commenti:

Anna B ha detto...

Hi Nicola! I couldn't agree more with you! I think that a good blogger is able to write an interesting and catching post in just a few lines...
Keep going this way!

anna ^_^

Davide ha detto...

hi my friend....i agree with you...posts must be short!!!....i think they should be shorter....anyway....see you around.....cheers...davide

elisac ha detto...

Hi Nicola!
Since blogs are personal, I think that people are free to write both long and short posts. What matters is the content, in my opinion it should be interisting and original at the same time.
Your blog is really nice, you have just posted a lot of things!!
See you soon,