sabato 20 ottobre 2007

Welcome message

I've chosen this pic because it shows the flow of thoughts I have in my head. It's rather entangled ain't it? In such a mess, I (usually) manage to find my way. I like taking pics like the one I've put, it's like freezing "movement". Outwardly, I'm not that contorted, even though my rhetoric can occasionally be baffling. As far as the sites are concerned, I've chosen three that are really linked to my interests. The first one is about music, you can find lyrics, reviews and so on...Actually, one can also download mp3s and videos, but I don't know if it is totally ok, they shouldn't be copyrighted though, take a look!!! Then let me know, I couldn't figure it out. News...I can't take "Studio Aperto" always broadcasting gossip or silly features about either stray dogs or cats "in quest" of an owner. I love dogs and cats but I do love being correctly informed. So, from time to time, I visit the site of the BBC. Ok, the third... Cultural Topics: I volunteer, when I can, with an association involved in cultural activities, it's called "La Roggia”, I've just put the link to might find something interesting...I think we are going to set an event about Chaplin...a series of three shows... I think. He was quite an actor, wasn't he? ;-)Ok, that's it! See you in the near future!May the force be with you! khhhhhh!
Bye for now!Niko.

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